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2024 Fall Solidarity Magazine Promo

Fall 2024 Issue of Solidarity Magazine is Now Online!

The new Fall 2024 issue of Solidarity Magazine is now available. You can download it here, and share it with fellow UAW members.In this issue:...

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Statement of UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Auto Coronavirus Task Force

“Members of the Auto Coronavirus Task Force have been working daily on best practices for the health and safety of UAW Ford, General Motors and FCA members. This evening President Gamble talked with principles from all three companies. These talks are fluid and ongoing to ensure safe protocols are followed when the companies reopen...

Read More Statement of UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Auto Coronavirus Task Force

UAW Endorses Joseph Biden for President of The United States of America

Detroit - The UAW International Board Tuesday announced the influential unions’ endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden for President of the United States. “In these dangerous and difficult times, the country needs a president who will demonstrate clear, stable leadership, less partisan acrimony and more balance to the rights and protections of working Americans,” said Rory Gamble, President of the UAW. “UAW Members need a federal government that ensures that members have both a good job to go to, and that they come home to their families at night having earned a fair day's wage in a safe and secure place.”

Read More UAW Endorses Joseph Biden for President of The United States of America

Heroes on the Front Line: Debby Hollis

Debby Hollis doesn’t make a big fuss about things. She just acts. That is exactly what she did when she signed on to make Ventec critical care ventilators capable of supporting patients fighting COVID-19. “I don’t like to get into a panic about things. I just do what is needed,” says the Local 292 member. “There was no question that I would do this. I feel like it is my obligation as a union member and as an employee.”

Read More Heroes on the Front Line: Debby Hollis

COVID-19 Update 4/17/2020

My Sisters and Brothers, In today’s message, I’d like to once again thank all of my UAW family for everything you’re doing to help keep our communities and our nation safe. We have so many stories of UAW members stepping up in so many different ways to help out. Members going back into plants to make critically needed personal protective equipment and ventilators, members setting up mask-making operations in their homes, local food banks, volunteering to assist neighbors — helping out in every way you can think of.

Read More COVID-19 Update 4/17/2020

Local 292 GM workers sign boxes of first ventilators shipped to help with the COVID-19 pandemic

Yesterday, UAW Local 292 workers at GM in Kokomo, Indiana sent off the first boxes of ventilators. Not only have UAW members jumped into action to help their fellow community members, but they signed the boxes to help give hope to the hospital workers and people suffering from COVID-19.

Read More Local 292 GM workers sign boxes of first ventilators shipped to help with the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 Update 4/15/2020

My Sisters and Brothers, In today’s message, I’m happy to report an update on the extraordinary efforts of our UAW family members who are producing ventilators at the GM facility in Kokomo, Indiana. When the call came in March, our members stepped up immediately to courageously volunteer their time, going through rigorous safety training at the GM facility so they could begin work producing the critically needed ventilators that will save lives. This month will see the first delivery of more than 600 ventilators with thousands more to come over the next several months. A total of 30,000 ventilators are expected to be produced by this August.

Read More COVID-19 Update 4/15/2020